Our client was accidentally shot and killed at a party.
Verdicts and Settlements
Client Accidentally Shot at Party
Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents
Client Injury - Death

Fatal Boating Accident Caused by Alcohol and Careless Driving
Litigation Type - Boating Accidents
Client Injury - Death, Serious Injuries
On a clear summer evening, two boats were on a parallel course, both moving very fast. A jet boat testing its speed passed a fishing boat and made a U-turn so it was on course for a head-on collision. At the last moment, both boat operators attempted to avoid a collision but it was too late. The fishing boat flew into the air, did a barrel roll and landed upside down. Three people lost their lives and others were seriously injured. Jim Carey represented one of the injury victims as well as the family of one of the deceased passengers.

Daycare Provider's Inappropriate Actions are Assault
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Emotional Trauma
Our client left her daughter with a trusted daycare provider. While in the facility, one of the providers touched our client inappropriately. Jeffrey Montpetit pursued the daycare provider and the assailant, successfully obtaining a $1,000,000 judgment against them both.

Collision in intersection causes permanent injuries
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Neck, Back and Shoulder Injuries
Our client, on her way to a dental appointment, traveled through an intersection on a green light when suddenly another driver made a left-hand turn in front of her. The two vehicles collided and our client's vehicle was spun around by the force of the impact.

Unnecessary Surgery Causes Permanent Injury
Litigation Type - Hospital Negligence
Client Injury - Permanent Foot and Back Injury
Our client, a 25 year old mother, underwent left L4-L5 and L5-S1 microdiscectomies recommended by her neurosurgeon. As she was recovering from the anesthetic, the nursing staff determined that she could not move her left foot. Her neurosurgeon had already left town for the weekend, so the on-call neurosurgeon performed an exam which revealed that she had left foot drop and left L5 weakness, numbness and paresthesias. A MRI revealed a fluid collection within the L4-L5 epidural space and extending into the laminectomy bed which was severely compressing the nerve roots. The on-call neurosurgeon performed an emergency "re-do" of the microdiscectomies and discovered that the original neurosurgeon had placed fat in the laminectomy site to prevent scar formation.

Failure to Diagnose Infection Before Surgery Results In Amputation
Litigation Type - Medical Malpractice
Client Injury - Amputation of Toes, Disfigurement
A surgeon performing a kidney stone surgery on our client failed to diagnose and treat an infection that was discovered in her pre-op physical. When he did the surgery, the infection spread and caused her to suffer amputation and disfigurements to her fingers and toes.

Trench Collapse Causes Death of Worker
Litigation Type - Construction Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client's husband, a 33 year old plumber, died as a result of injuries sustained at a residential job site. An employee of one of the subcontractors was operating a back hoe digging a trench for the plumbing to be installed to the street. One wall of the trench collapsed covering the plumber while he was working in the trench. Workers on site were able to dig him out and he was rushed to the hospital and died three days later due to the effects of oxygen deprivation. He was survived by a spouse and young children and his death was an enormous loss for his family. Susan Holden settled this case with the excavation company for $960,000.

Chain Reaction Causes Automobile Accident Death
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client was involved in a chain reaction accident on a freeway. The accident was caused by an uninsured driver that pulled out on to the freeway after having stopped on the shoulder. That vehicle was hit by a passing car while he was trying to merge. Our client and the car ahead of him were slowing to avoid the collision ahead of them and our client was rear-ended by a semi truck and was instantly killed.

Highway Accident Causes Injuries to Innocent Parties
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Fractured Skull
Jeffrey Sieben recently settled a significant claim for a Sprinkler Fitter from Owatonna, Minnesota. The total settlement was in excess of $1,000,000.

Semi-truck accident causes lifetime disability
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Concussion, Brain Injury, Broken Hand
Our client was traveling northbound on Highway 65. A semi hauling a load of lumber was traveling eastbound on 221st Street in East Bethel, Minnesota. Highway 65 is a divided highway. The semi truck driver had a stop sign and there is a yield sign in between the lanes of Highway 65. The truck driver didn't see our client coming down the highway so he pulled out. Our client struck the semi tractor and became embedded under the truck. Our client was transported by helicopter to HCMC and was in a coma for 10 days. His injuries included a concussion, brain injury, broken jaw, broken left hand and fractured cheek bone. He spent almost a month in a rehabilitation center after he was released from the hospital. Our client was disabled and was unable to work after the accident ever again.

Verdicts and Settlements