One January afternoon our clients, Lee and Fran, were approaching Crosby, Minnesota when another vehicle traveling at highway speed crossed the center line and hit them head-on. After the initial impact, our clients' vehicle went off the road and crashed into a tree.
Verdicts and Settlements
Work With Experts helped Settle Car Crash Claim
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Fractured Foot and Ankle

Man Receives Life-Threatening Injuries From Collision with Semi Truck.
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Cervical Fusion, Lacerated Spleen
Our client was slowing on a rural highway intending to make a left turn when he was rear-ended by a semi tractor-trailer. The intersection where the accident occurred is located outside Winthrop, Minnesota and the roads were straight and level for miles approaching the intersection. Apparently the driver of the semi was on his radio and had looked away from the road for a few seconds and when he looked up, our client’s vehicle was stopped right in front of him. The semi was traveling approximately 60 mph and wasn’t able to stop in time to avoid hitting our client.

College Students Killed in Car Accident Caused By Icy Roads
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client and her friend were returning to their Wisconsin college after a visit with their families when the driver lost control of their SUV due to slippery roads. They crashed into a bridge overpass pillar and both girls were killed at impact. The student that our firm presented was survived by her parents and one adult sibling. Jim Carey settled the case for $1.3 million.

Misdiagnosis Leads to Loss of Lower Leg
Litigation Type - Misdiagnosis
Client Injury - Loss of Lower Leg
Our client, a 56 year-old, went to the ER with right lower extremity pain. He was diagnosed with right lower extremity arterial insufficiency and limb threatening ischemia. The Defendant's surgeon recommended an emergency embolectomy, which was performed.

Patient Dies As Result Of Pain Medication Overdose
Litigation Type - Medication Errors
Client Injury - Death
Despite the absence of any confirmed diagnosis, a physician prescribed extraordinary amounts of pain medications and tranquilizers for a patient over a period of many months. The patient died from respiratory arrest from overdose of pain medication while an inpatient in the hospital. Nursing staff was concerned that patient had brought medications into hospital but did little to verify their suspicions or to monitor the patient.

Winter car accident caused by icy roads
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Memory Loss, Coma
Our client and her friend were traveling to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport on their way to Pasadena, California for the Tournament of Roses Parade. A vehicle in the other lane started to slide toward them and the two vehicles violently collided. Our client was transported to the hospital in Arlington, Minnesota and then to a Twin Cities suburban hospital. She was in a coma, and not long after, she was in hospice care. The doctors didn't believe she would pull out of the coma but she rallied and was removed from hospice care and put into a nursing home. While she struggled to remember herself and her life, she endured surgeries, and physical and occupational therapy. As she regained her life, medical bills arrived.

Distracted driver causes car crash
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury
In 2007, a bread delivery truck driver who was on his cell phone crashed into the vehicle of our client who was on his way to work in Wabasha, Minn. Our client suffered a brain injury and shoulder and neck and knee injuries, and has since had memory problems.

Vehicles Mashed Between Dump Truck and Semi
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury, Knee Injury
A semi with two SUVs behind it were stopped for a red light at an intersection. A dump truck approached from behind and failed to stop, crashed into the vehicles, smashing the two SUVs into the back end of the semi. The driver of the dump truck claimed that the sun was in his eyes and he didn’t see the vehicles stopped ahead of him. Our client was in one of the two SUVs crushed between the two trucks.

Boys Electrocuted by Power Line While Climbing a Tree
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Severed Arm, Hand Injury
Two brothers, 11 and 14, were electrocuted when they both touched a power line running near the norway pine they were climbing. The shock severed part of one boy's arm and permanently damaged the other boy's hand. In view of the well-known tendency for children to climb trees, Paul Schweiger successfully brought suit against the power company for not removing the tree before the accident. He settled the case for $1.12 Million. ($1.8 Million Structured Annuity)

Evaluation of Evidence Wins Automobile Accident Death Claim
Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents
Client Injury - Death
A man was involved in a fatal collision at a new grocery store in Lakeville, MN. He was operating his car in the Taco Bell drive-thru and after picking up his order, his car accelerated across the parking lot, over medians and crashed into the side of the store. He was killed immediately. Art Kosieradzki was hired by his widow to help collect benefits from their auto insurance company as well as a life insurance policy. Both companies refused to pay, claiming that his death was caused by self-inflicted injuries and not covered. Mr. Kosieradzki hired investigators and engineers to prove that the death was accidental, not intentional. The evidence presented to police officers and the medical examiner later caused them to amend their original reports ruling the death accidental and the insurance companies finally paid on policies as they were bound to.

Verdicts and Settlements