Our client was a passenger on a motorcycle that was struck by an SUV that ran a red light. The driver of the SUV had been drinking and left the accident scene. Months later, after extensive police investigation aided by the law firm's investigator, the police charged the driver of the SUV with leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, he was found guilty and served time in jail.
Verdicts and Settlements
Hit and Run Driver Found by Diligent Investigation
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Leg Injury

Failure to Diagnose Heart Problems Result in Emergency Surgery
Litigation Type - Medical Malpractice
Client Injury - Aortic Dissection
Our client received medical care from primary care physicians at the same clinic from at least 1980 through 2007. In the early 1990's, he was diagnosed by two echo cardiograms with a bicuspid aortic valve and an enlarged aortic root.

Football Player Blinded in Assault
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Loss of Vision
A former football player with the Nebraska Cornhuskers was awarded $2 million by a Hennepin County jury for injuries he suffered during an attack at a bar in the Minneapolis Warehouse District. Our client, 28, a high school all-American and a tight end with the national champion Cornhuskers from 1995 to 1998, lost the vision in his right eye after he and several friends were attacked outside of Banana Joe's.

Automobile Collision Causes Severe Injuries To Fetus
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy
A child was severely and permanently injured while still in utero (at 8 1/2 months) when the vehicle his mother was driving collided with a farm tractor that turned in front of her as she was overtaking and passing it. The injuries to the fetus were catastrophic and left him totally disabled and dependant upon 24 hour a day care.

Misread Ultrasound Involving Twins Led to Improper Medical Care
Litigation Type - Birth Injuries
Client Injury - Death and Brain Injury
SiebenCarey represented a child and her parents in a case in which the mother's pregnancy was not properly managed. The mother had an ultrasound at 13 weeks into her pregnancy, which showed twins, but was interpreted as being a single fetus. It was not discovered that there were twins until the mother was in the hospital to deliver the babies. Proper steps were not taken to handle a twin pregnancy. As a result, one of the children was stillborn and the other lived but suffered a brain injury.

Medical Negligence Causes Injury to Child
Litigation Type - Birth Injuries
Client Injury - Neurological Abnormalities
Our clients were a family whose child suffered a brain injury from asphyxia sustained shortly before his birth. The claim was that two nurses and a midwife gave improper advice and care to the child's mother on three separate occasions during a 12-hour period prior to the mother being taken to a hospital for delivery. The child has neurological abnormalities.

Insurance company not willing to treat insurance holders fairly
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Cory Whalen represented a father who lost two sons, age 6 months and 2 years, in a car accident. They were riding with their mother and step-cousin. All 4 were killed as a result of the accident. The insurance company who insured the vehicle they were all riding in offered only $5,000 per child to settle the case. There was much more insurance coverage on the car but because they were not willing to treat our client fairly, Cory Whalen took the insurance company to Court. The jury not only awarded the full $100,000 policy limits, but because the insurance company did not meet their obligations, the outraged jury awarded $1.57 million.

Minnesota Motorcycle Accident Results in Loss of Leg
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Amputation
Our client, a 73-year-old grandfather and great-grandfather, was approaching an intersection with a green light on his motorcycle. A vehicle operated by a driver with failing health, unexpectedly executed a left-hand turn in front of our client and a horrible collision between the two occurred. Our client sustained severe internal injuries, multiple broken bones, road rash and, ultimately, a lower leg amputation.

Birth Defects Caused by Drug Given to Pregnant Mother
Litigation Type - Medication Errors
Client Injury - Birth Defects
Our client was prescribed a medication which is known to cause birth defects when given to pregnant women. Our client was in the very early stages of a pregnancy and neither the doctor nor our client knew she was pregnant. The child was born with birth defects.

Construction Worker Killed by Defective Hydraulic Elevator
Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents
Client Injury - Death
A construction laborer was working in an elevator shaft doing asbestos remediation. A co-worker cut a hydraulic line, which was not properly labeled, causing the elevator to descend and crush the laborer working in the shaft. The young man was married with four children. With the use of expert testimony, we were able to establish that the general contractor's negligence caused the laborer's death. The general contractor failed to secure the elevator prior to the work being performed as well as label the hydraulic lines. Jeffrey Montpetit settled the claim just prior to trial for $1.5 million.

Verdicts and Settlements