One of the very first drunk driving fatalities in 2008 was the tragic tale of the Minnesota police officer who had his wife with him for a "ride along" on New Year's Day. In the early hours of the morning, a young woman was driving her vehicle on the wrong side of the freeway and struck his vehicle head-on, killing the officer's wife almost instantly. The woman who struck the police vehicle was so drunk that she couldn't even remember the accident.
Verdicts and Settlements
Wife of Police Officer Killed in Collision with Drunk Driver
Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents
Client Injury - Death

Train accident in railroad crossing without flashing lights or guard is deadly
Litigation Type - Train Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client's 28 year old husband was tragically killed when his vehicle collided with a train at a crossing in suburban Twin Cities. He was survived by his young wife and children, and his death was an enormous loss for his family.

Man Killed In Gas Line Explosion, Settlement Obtained for Surviving Family Members
Litigation Type - Construction Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Many Minnesotans remember the sad news from downtown St. Cloud, Minnesota, when a gas line explosion in December 1998 leveled an entire city block and killed four people, injuring 15. According to federal investigators, construction workers drilling an anchor into the ground to brace a utility pole punctured a plastic natural-gas pipe, causing the leak that led to the explosion.

Hunting Accident Claims Life of Hunter
Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client’s husband was hunting coyotes in North Dakota with his friends in February. A member of his hunting party took a shot at a coyote without knowing where all the members of the hunting party were located. He accidently shot our client in the leg. Unfortunately because the snow cover was so heavy, he died before his colleagues could reach him in the deep snow.

Wife Loses Husband Due To Medical Negligence and Carelessness
Litigation Type - Hospital Negligence
Client Injury - Death
Our client was a farmer who injured his shoulder and neck while lifting a heavy farm device. He was referred to a neurosurgeon in South Dakota and later underwent a left anterior cervical diskectomy and C6-C7 fusion at a surgical center.

Semi-truck Causes Fatal Accident
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Jeff Sieben settled a wrongful death action for a family whose minivan was hit by a semi on an Iowa interstate. The semi-truck operator lost control and his truck crossed the median of the freeway and struck our clients' vehicle.

Fatal Motorcycle Crash Caused by Texting Teen
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our clients’ family members were both killed when their motorcycle was struck head-on by a distracted teen driver whose pickup truck crossed the center line while the truck driver was texting.

Thousands of people are killed or injured in dog attacks and the most common victims are children.
Litigation Type - Dog Bites
Client Injury - Disfigurement
Dogs are great companions and friends...a part of the family. But every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in dog attacks-and the most common victims are children, who often suffer significant facial disfigurement.

Spine Surgeon Found Negligent for Mistakes Made During Surgery
Litigation Type - Surgical Complications
Client Injury - Injury to Nerves and Dura
Our client was a young woman who suffered severe pain and lost her ability to play competitive soccer as a result of negligent spine surgery. The defendant orthopedic surgeon used 14 pedicle screws at multiple levels of the spine as part of the attempt to fuse the spine to correct our client's scoliosis. For the next two years, the client suffered chest wall pain and positional headaches until another orthopedic surgeon ordered imaging of the spine by CT scan. The CT imaging revealed that 12 of the 14 screws were misplaced, making it necessary for our client to undergo another spine surgery to remove all of the screws and replace them in proper positions. During this revision surgery it was discovered that the misplaced screws had not only been causing chest wall pain, but also injured the dura to the extent that spinal fluid was leaking which was the explanation for the headaches. In addition, the defendant failed to remove spinal facets which resulted in failure of the fusion at 2 levels.

Skin Graft Attempt Unsuccessful Leading to Surgical Complications
Litigation Type - Surgical Complications
Client Injury - Injury to Scalp, Scarring
Our client was a young boy who was to undergo a skin harvest from his scalp for grafting of skin to his feet, related to burns he had sustained. The intent by the surgeon was to harvest a split-thickness graft with an instrument called a dermatome. However, a full-thickness portion of scalp was taken, resulting in traumatic alopecia and scarring. It was necessary to harvest skin from a different area of the boy's body, and over the next several years, 3 additional procedures were done in attempts to excise the area of alopecia and scarring. A similar procedure is anticipated to be performed when the boy is older.

Verdicts and Settlements