Cory Whalen was contacted by a former client of his when he slipped on the running board of his truck and fell, injuring his knee and hip. Unfortunately, not three months after signing the retainer agreement, a vehicle spun out in front of this same client, causing a severe collision and causing additional neck injuries to the man. Multiple accidents unfailingly result in complications for the client as well as the attorney. Whalen, however, was up to the challenge.
Verdicts and Settlements
Cory Whalen Wins Settlement For Automobile Accident Injury
Litigation Type - Auto Accidents
Client Injury - Knee and Hip Injury

Drunk Driver Stalls on Highway and Causes Accident
Litigation Type - Drunk Driving Accidents
Client Injury - Back and Head Injuries
Our client was driving his vehicle northbound on I-35E near the eastbound ramp from Highway 36 in Maplewood, Minnesota when another vehicle came from the eastbound 36 ramp, spun out and stopped in the left lane in front of our client's vehicle. Our client struck that vehicle. He got out of his vehicle and walked to the disabled vehicle to exchange insurance information. The driver of the vehicle that spun out was intoxicated. While they were talking in the vehicle, they were struck by another northbound vehicle. The intoxicated driver was arrested at the scene. Our client was taken by ambulance to the hospital and suffered permanent back and head injuries.

Fall in dark parking lot over unrepaired hazard results in ankle fusion.
Litigation Type - Slip, Trip and Fall
Client Injury - Ankle Fusion
Our client went to a Twin Cities mall with her husband to see a movie. Upon returning to their vehicle, at night and in the dark, our client stepped in a water valve shut off that was missing its cap in the parking lot. This resulted in a severely fractured ankle, necessitating multiple surgeries and ultimately an ankle fusion.

Fall from Faulty Deck Causes Serious Injury
Litigation Type - Slip, Trip and Fall
Client Injury - Back and Neck Injuries
Our client was enjoying Mother's Day at a home with a self-built deck when the railing he was leaning on gave way. He fell 15-20 feet crashing to the ground. He landed on his back and was struck in the head by a 4x4 wooden post. Thankfully, he did not suffer paralysis due to the fall.

ATV Driver's Error Causes The Death of ATV Passenger
Litigation Type - ATV Accidents
Client Injury - Death
A 32 year-old father was killed in an ATV accident in Nebraska. The accident occurred at night and the driver of the ATV had been drinking. The deceased was a passenger on the ATV. The driver "popped a wheelie" with the ATV, hit a tent stake along side of the road and the ATV rolled and killed the passenger.

Pickup Loses Tire and Kills 17 year old Girl
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Death
A car driven by a teen-age girl carrying her two friends were heading east on Highway 23 in Quamba, Minnesota and a pick up was approaching them headed west. As they got closer to each other, the left front tire of the pick up blew out and the driver of the pick up lost control. He veered violently to the left and crossed the center line and hit the car head on. The force of the impact knocked the car into the ditch. The driver of the car was killed as a result of the collision and her two friends badly injured.

Clear Liability and Severe Injuries Put Accident Claim on Fast Track
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Brain Injury, Leg Fracture
Our client was on his way to work at 4:54 am. He was struck head on by a vehicle that lost control, slid across the center line and struck our client's vehicle.

Mother Seeks Help After Tragic Motorcycle Accident
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Nothing tugs at one's heart like a family who has lost a parent and a spouse. That's exactly what Cory Whalen thought when he took this case. A tragic motorcycle-verses-motor vehicle collision took the life of a father of two young girls. The father was killed instantly and the mother was left to raise two children alone.

Passenger of Car Crash Severely Injured
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Facial fractures
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that ran a stop sign and struck another vehicle. As a result of the collision, our client received several fractured bones and required surgery. Our client continues to suffer from facial numbness, sensory change and limited range of motion in his neck. He accrued almost $80,000 in medical expenses.

Semi Truck Accident Caused By Poor Winter Driving Conditions
Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents
Client Injury - Head Injuries
A semi traveling in poor winter driving conditions was unable to see the vehicle in front of him due to blowing snow. Traveling with 40,000 pounds of sausage in the trailer, he rear-ended our client's car and the car stuck to the front of the semi. The two entwined vehicles traveled together as he braked, finally coming to a stop in the ditch. Our client loss consciousness and has no memory of the accident at all. Our client sustained severe injuries from this accident, including cognitive difficulties following her head injury.

Verdicts and Settlements