Our client was a longtime motorcyclist who was enjoying a ride in Wisconsin when tragedy struck. A following cyclist crashed into him, throwing him from the roadway and resulting in paralysis. William Bongard recovered the policy limits of $150,000 from the at-fault motorcyclist first, preserving our client's rights to Underinsured Motorist coverage by providing the proper Schmidt vs. Clothier notifications.
Verdicts and Settlements
Motorcycle verses motorcycle collision causes paralysis
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Spinal Fracture

Motorcycle passenger injured in bike run
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Back Injury
Our client was a passenger on a motorcycle that was participating in a bike run with approximately 130 other motorcycles. The group of motorcycles were merging from an on ramp to Highway 169 and had to slow quickly. Several motorcycles lost control and tipped over, including the motorcycle our client was riding on. She and the driver were thrown off the motorcycle into the roadway. A motorcycle behind our client tried to stop but ended up driving over our client.

ATV Accident Involving Drunk Driver Causes Spinal Injury
Litigation Type - ATV Accidents
Client Injury - Spinal Injuries
Our client was a passenger on an all terrain vehicle (ATV) driven by a friend who was under the influence of alcohol. As they were proceeding down a wooded dirt road, the driver lost control as a result of his alcohol consumption and a change in the maneuverability characteristics of the ATV with a passenger seated behind him. The ATV left the road and went down a steep embankment. Our client sustained injuries to her spine which affected the use of her legs and caused a diminution in bowel and bladder sensation.

Failure to Properly Maintain Machines Causes Chemical Exposure
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Chemical Exposure
A Coca-Cola Bottling Company employee was exposed to an ammonia release when he cut into some pipes that were not properly drained to make a repair. Because of the exposure, our client experienced an onslaught of medical issues including shortness of breath, an enlarged heart, reduced oxygen intake, fatigue, pneumonia, chest pains and many other ailments.

The Invisible Scar – Concussion From A Car Crash
Litigation Type - Auto Accidents
Client Injury - Concussion
One morning on her way to work our client stopped for a light changing from green to yellow to red in Anoka, Minnesota. She was rear-ended and her car was pushed forward into the intersection. The impact was hard enough to slam our client’s head back into her headrest. Our client’s vehicle was a total loss and was towed from the accident scene.

Distracted and Careless Driver Causes Fatal Accident
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client was the victim of a double car accident. A father and son were traveling on Interstate 35 when a woman coming the opposite direction went off onto the shoulder, over-corrected and slammed into our client's vehicle. A witness reported that the woman had been driving over 100 mph and was talking on her cell phone prior to the collision. Our client's vehicle came to rest in the traffic lane of Interstate 35 and the woman's vehicle went into the ditch.

Snowmobiler Killed in Accident After Being Over-served at Bar
Litigation Type - Snowmobile Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our clients were the mother, wife and two sons of a man killed in a snowmobile accident after being over served at a sports bar. Even though the man was intoxicated when he ordered drinks, the bar staff continued to serve him. The man, after being allowed to leave the bar obviously intoxicated, sustained fatal injuries when he hit a fire hydrant with his snowmobile on the way home.

Child Model Injured in Car Accident
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Facial Injuries
Our client, a 6 year-old-child, was riding with her mom when their vehicle was struck by another that had crossed the median. As a result of the force of the collision, our client’s face struck the back of the front seat and she received significant injuries. She received a traumatic brain injury and serious lacerations to her face which resulted in serious scars. Prior to the accident our client was a child model and as a result of her injuries, became self-conscious of her facial disfigurement.

Experienced Motorcyclists Can Be Victims of Accidents
Litigation Type - Auto Accidents
Client Injury - Fractured Pelvis, Fractured Arm
An avid motorcyclist was passing through a city in Michigan on a trip from Ohio to Minnesota when he was struck by a dump truck. The motorcyclist was proceeding straight through an intersection on a green light and was hit by the dump truck who was making a left turn and failed to yield the right of way. The collision threw the motorcyclist off his bike and his motorcycle was wedged under the dump truck. He was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. The trauma services needed were not available at that hospital so our client was airlifted to St. Mary's Medical Center in Duluth, MN.

Drunk Driver kills father of two
Litigation Type - Drunk Driving Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client's husband was driving home from work and was within blocks from their home in Richfield when another vehicle failed to yield the right of way at an intersection and caused a collision. The collision was the result of negligence and carelessness on the part of the other driver. At the time of the collision, he was legally intoxicated, with a blood alcohol content of .16, was traveling 44 mph in a 30 mph zone, and failed to yield the right of way at the intersection. The result, two young boys, ages 8 and 9, lost their father.

Verdicts and Settlements