Teenage Driver Causes Collision
Our client, a 7 year-old passenger, was in her father's vehicle when it was struck by a vehicle headed in the opposite direction driven by a teenager. The teenage driver and her two teenage passengers were killed as a result of the collision. Our client received a skull fracture, traumatic brain injury and other internal injuries. She was hospitalized for a month.
The liability claim was settled for $214,286 (out of $500,000 to split between our client and the families of the teenagers killed in the other car). Her parents were reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses and time missed from work. The remaining funds were deposited in an annuity, which will be worth $362.921. An underinsured motorist claim was settled for the policy limits of $100,000. Paul Downes convinced the health insurance carrier to accept only $10,000 for reimbursement of the $347,851 they paid for medical expenses.