Surgical Mistake Causes Complications
Our client underwent a hydrothermal ablation by the Boston Scientific Method to address abnormal uterine bleeding. During the procedure the uterus most likely sustained a thermal injury that caused perforation of the uterus and colon.
Following the procedure, our client complained of severe constipation and a soft, tender abdomen distended with gas. X-rays taken seven days after the procedure were worrisome for a perforated viscus. The radiologist informed the surgeon, who did nothing.
Finally 16 days after the initial procedure, our client was diagnosed and treated for the perforations and the resulting pelvic abscess. Treatment of the abscess and related complications involved initially a colostomy and then an ileostomy. Both have been successfully taken down and our client has returned to an active lifestyle.
Paul Schweiger brought a claim against the surgeon and received a settlement of $450,000.