Awards and Associations

Board Certified Civil Trial Advocate

By the National Board of Trial Advocacy

Certified Civil Trial Law Specialist

Minnesota State Bar Association

Top 100 Super Lawyers

Thomson Reuters

Best Lawyers in America

Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiff

Super Lawyer - Thomson Reuters

PI General - Plaintiff

Top 100 Trial Lawyers

The National Trial Lawyers

Up and Coming Attorneys

Minnesota Lawyer (2008)

Minnesota Rising Stars

Super Lawyers/Thomson Reuters (2006-2013)

Minnesota Association for Justice

Board of Governors

American Association for Justice Leader's Forum


Hennepin County Bar Association


Minnesota State Bar Association


Wisconsin Bar Association


American Bar Association


Dakota County Bar Association


American Inns of Court

Douglas K. Amdahl Chapter Member

Trial Lawyers College

Ranch Member Since 2007

University of St. Thomas Law School


National Institute for Trial Advocacy

2005, Trial Advocacy Skills program

2008 Mock Trial Association

National Championship Tournament Volunteer Judge

Verdicts & Settlements

Major Settlement Reached in Death of St. Paul Construction Worker

Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents

Client Injury - Crushed to Death

Peter Davis, 61, worked for the St. Paul Regional Water Services Department for over 40 years before he retired. He was working for a subcontractor when he was crushed to death by a loaded dump truck backing up at a construction site on Wabasha Street North, just south of 7th Street East in downtown St. Paul.

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Winter Truck Accident Causes Brain Injury to Passenger

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Brain Injury

Winter preparations lands our client in the hospital for half a year and saddles him with lifelong injuries. Michael agreed to help a neighbor place markers for the snow plow drivers in their neighborhood. When the pickup truck Michael was seated on lurched forward, he was seriously brain injured. Claims for the negligent operation of the truck were successful against both the driver and his home owners association. Jeff Sieben and the SiebenCarey team worked with top videographers to document the person that Michael was before the tragedy. Through the help of expert life care planning and top video interviews of Michael’s friends and family, the at fault driver and his home owner’s association agreed to pay $3,750,000 to help Michael pay for future care needs and recognize the major changes this has caused Michael and his family.

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Work With Experts helped Settle Car Crash Claim

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Fractured Foot and Ankle

One January afternoon our clients, Lee and Fran, were approaching Crosby, Minnesota when another vehicle traveling at highway speed crossed the center line and hit them head-on. After the initial impact, our clients' vehicle went off the road and crashed into a tree.

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Winter car accident caused by icy roads

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Memory Loss, Coma

Our client and her friend were traveling to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport on their way to Pasadena, California for the Tournament of Roses Parade. A vehicle in the other lane started to slide toward them and the two vehicles violently collided. Our client was transported to the hospital in Arlington, Minnesota and then to a Twin Cities suburban hospital. She was in a coma, and not long after, she was in hospice care. The doctors didn't believe she would pull out of the coma but she rallied and was removed from hospice care and put into a nursing home. While she struggled to remember herself and her life, she endured surgeries, and physical and occupational therapy. As she regained her life, medical bills arrived.

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Carbon Monoxide Deaths Caused by Lack of CO Detectors

Litigation Type - Wrongful Death Accidents

Client Injury - Death

On December 19, 2013 Adam Jensen and his good friend were killed after the vent damper in a home boiler heating system failed to open. A deadly combination of soot build-up and a failure to maintain a carbon monoxide detector in the home caused their deaths. The family hired attorney Jeffrey Sieben, to hold those responsible for Adam’s death accountable. As part of the investigation of this claim, Sieben compiled a team of experts from around the country to test the heating system and document the failures present at the time of this tragedy. Sieben was able to settle the case for Adam’s death for $1 million just weeks before the trial date.

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Collision in intersection causes permanent injuries

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Neck, Back and Shoulder Injuries

Our client, on her way to a dental appointment, traveled through an intersection on a green light when suddenly another driver made a left-hand turn in front of her. The two vehicles collided and our client's vehicle was spun around by the force of the impact.

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Highway Accident Causes Injuries to Innocent Parties

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Fractured Skull

Jeffrey Sieben recently settled a significant claim for a Sprinkler Fitter from Owatonna, Minnesota. The total settlement was in excess of $1,000,000.

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Underinsured driver causes serious car accident injuries

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Smashed Knee, Femur, and Hip Bone

An injured bricklayer who sued his insurance company for underinsured motorist benefits won his case in Dakota County District Court and walked away with a much larger verdict than he asked for. A Dakota County jury awarded the Park Rapids man a $793,000 verdict against American Family Insurance Company after he smashed his knee, femur and hipbone in a car accident.

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Motorcyclist Killed By Semi Making a U-turn

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Death

A semi truck driver from North Carolina pulled his rig to the side of a two lane highway on a bright summer afternoon. He stopped to make a cell phone call, activating the flashers on his semi. The motorcyclist approached the truck and suddenly the truck pulled out and across the road to make a U-turn. The motorcyclist had no time to react and hit the side of the semi. The motorcyclist was killed immediately.

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Intoxication Leads to Automobile Crash and Injuries

Litigation Type - Drunk Driving Accidents

Client Injury - Hip and back

Our client suffered serious injury to his femur, hip and back after the car he was riding in smashed into a tree. Our client was a passenger in the vehicle and they had been attending a wedding. The driver was tested by law enforcement and found to have a blood alcohol level of .14.

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Semi Truck Driver’s Inattentiveness Causes Serious Accident

Litigation Type - Semi Truck Accidents

Client Injury - Neck and Back Injuries

Our client was injured due to the negligence of an 18 wheeler. She was traveling on the Interstate at 55mph because the weather was bad and the roads were a bit slippery. A semi-truck hauling a load of hogs came up behind her traveling over the speed limit and rear-ended her vehicle. She was able to keep her vehicle from shooting off the highway after the impact but there was severe damage to her vehicle.  The truck driver was cited for inattentive driving.

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Drunk Driver Causes Halloween Nightmare

Litigation Type - Drunk Driving Accidents

Client Injury - Leg Amputation

Our client attended a Halloween party at her friend's house. She was standing next to her car when she was hit by a drunk driver. She was pinned between her car and the car that hit her and was seriously injured. As a result of injuries to her leg, her leg was amputated.

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Children Injured in Car Crash

Litigation Type - Auto Accidents

Client Injury - Head Injuries

Two children were severely injured when drivers acted with neglect and caused a crash at an uncontrolled intersection. Both children were in car seats when the impact occurred yet they both received fractured skulls and significant head injuries.

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Car Crash Investigation Proves Vital in Case

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Back Injury

Our client was a passenger in a vehicle pulling a trailer and was rear-ended at night on the Interstate. Although our client’s vehicle was traveling at highway speed, the vehicle approaching from the rear was traveling 6 mph over the speed limit, too fast for the dark conditions, and was not paying attention. That driver slammed into the back of the trailer, caused the trailer to separate from the truck pulling it.

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Leg Crushed When Pinned Between Two Vehicles

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Crushed Leg

Our client, the owner of a vending service company, was pinned to the rear bumper of his vehicle when it was hit by an out of control vehicle. The defendant made a right turn on a red light at an intersection that was specifically marked "no right turn on red". Our client was facing his truck and was pinned against his truck bumper by the front bumper of the vehicle that hit him. His right leg was crushed from the knee down as a result of this pinching. He also received injuries to his right shoulder, right arm and neck when he was slammed into the rear door of his truck.

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Inattentive Driver Pins Woman Between Two Cars

Litigation Type - Pedestrian Accidents

Client Injury - Vascular Injuries to Leg

While attending a granddaughter's lacrosse game in Prior Lake, another motorist in the parking lot pinned our client’s legs between her own car bumper and the rear bumper of the inattentive motorist backing out of a parking spot. Serious vascular damage was done to our client’s lower leg, necessitating the help of vascular surgeons.

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Car Crash Victim Collects WC and PI Benefits

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury

Our client was on her way to work one morning on Interstate 94. She stopped behind other traffic and saw a vehicle approaching her from the rear that didn’t look like it was slowing down. There was no place for her to move out of the way and she was rear-ended by this vehicle that was traveling about 50 mph.

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Motorcycle Accident Causes Traumatic Brain Injury

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury

Our client was involved in a motorcycle accident in Daytona, Florida. She was a passenger on a motorcycle driven by her husband and they were rear-ended by another motorcyclist.

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Woman Accidentally Backed Over Sustains Serious Injuries

Litigation Type - Pedestrian Accidents

Client Injury - Hip and back injuries

Our client suffered many serious injuries when a friend accidently backed up and ran over her while trying to pull away from a snowbank in St. Paul. She was taken to Regions Hospital for treatment and had several surgeries. She then spent 20 days in a care center until she was able to get around on her own and return home.

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Child Model Injured in Car Accident

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Facial Injuries

Our client, a 6 year-old-child, was riding with her mom when their vehicle was struck by another that had crossed the median. As a result of the force of the collision, our client’s face struck the back of the front seat and she received significant injuries. She received a traumatic brain injury and serious lacerations to her face which resulted in serious scars. Prior to the accident our client was a child model and as a result of her injuries, became self-conscious of her facial disfigurement.

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The Invisible Scar – Concussion From A Car Crash

Litigation Type - Auto Accidents

Client Injury - Concussion

One morning on her way to work our client stopped for a light changing from green to yellow to red in Anoka, Minnesota. She was rear-ended and her car was pushed forward into the intersection. The impact was hard enough to slam our client’s head back into her headrest. Our client’s vehicle was a total loss and was towed from the accident scene.

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Passenger of Car Crash Severely Injured

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Facial fractures

Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that ran a stop sign and struck another vehicle. As a result of the collision, our client received several fractured bones and required surgery. Our client continues to suffer from facial numbness, sensory change and limited range of motion in his neck. He accrued almost $80,000 in medical expenses.

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Motorcyclist Hit by Inattentive Driver

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Back injuries

Our client was a highly skilled motorcycle driver at the time of her injury.  All of her defensive driving skills could did not prepare her for the violent crash and injuries she sustained when an inattentive driver rear-ended her as she was stopped in traffic.

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Bicyclist Hit By Car On Commute to Work

Litigation Type - Bicycle Accidents

Client Injury - Neck and Back Injuries, Tibia Fracture

Our client was a bicycle commuter and was commuting to work in downtown Minneapolis when his accident occurred. He was proceeding through an intersection on a green light when he was broadsided by a car that was turning left. That driver claimed she did not see our client on his bicycle when she made her turn.

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Intersection Collision Sends All Parties To Hospital

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Neck and Back Injuries

Our client was driving through an intersection on a green light when another vehicle ran the red light and hit his car on the driver’s side and spun our client’s car around several times. Both our client, and his wife who was a passenger, were taken to Regions Hospital from the accident scene with serious injuries. The driver that hit them was also taken to the hospital.

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Intersection Accident Results in Serious Injuries

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Fractured Wrist

An Eden Prairie woman was the victim of a car accident as she was traveling through an intersection on a green light. She was struck by an oncoming vehicle that made a left turn in front of her on a yellow light. Then she was pushed into a third vehicle in the intersection. Two gentlemen at the scene helped our client out of her vehicle as it was leaking gas. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance and treated for fractured wrist, bruising and soreness. Our client’s nine year old son was a passenger in the vehicle and was also taken to the hospital, treated and released.

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Patriot Rider killed in motorcycle accident

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Death

A 47 year old man, a volunteer and Patriot rider, was killed in a motorcycle accident when another car pulled out in front of him in heavy traffic.

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Good Samaritan Killed Helping Others

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Death

A Hastings teenager stopped to change a flat tire for a stranded motorist on the narrow median shoulder on Interstate 94 just east of the Mississippi River. Trying to avoid a traffic backup, the defendant pulled into the median area and hit the back of the stranded Ford Explorer. The defendant's car landed on our client. Numerous motorists stopped and pulled the defendant's car off our client. He died from his injuries a day later.

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Icy Roads Cause Serious Car Accident

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Neck Injury

Icy roads caused a collision for our client. Our client and her husband were traveling to Colorado to spend time at Christmas with relatives. She was a passenger in a vehicle at the time of a side impact collision to the passenger side. Her case was ultimately a battle with her own insurance company that required Jeffrey Sieben to take this case to court because she was offered only $15,000 to settle the case prior to her trial.

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Off Duty Police Officer Injured in Car Accident

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Back Injury

Our client was a 38 year old police officer who was off-duty when his vehicle was rear-ended at a high speed. There was significant property damage to both of the vehicles involved in the collision. Our client received back injuries.

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Premises Liability Claim Again Hotel for Faulty Ceiling

Litigation Type - Slip, Trip and Fall

Client Injury - Nerve damage

Our client from California was in his Minneapolis hotel room after a long day attending a work conference. He was taking a shower when a large panel fell from the ceiling of the shower and hit our client in the face, very near his right eye.  The incident was reported to the front desk and a maintenance engineer came to his room but was unable to reinstall the panel. 

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Snow Covered Roads And Highway Speeds Lead To Significant Accident

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Back and Neck Injuries

Our client was driving through an intersection on a green light when his vehicle was hit by a car coming off the highway ramp at highway speed. That vehicle ran a red light and struck our client’s vehicle on the driver’s side and pushed the car across the intersection, breaking the front wheel off.

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A Pandemic Summer Boating Cruise Gone Wrong

Litigation Type - Boating Accidents

Client Injury - Back Injuries

Our client was a passenger on a boat when the boat was involved in a high speed collision with another boat on Lake Minnetonka. She suffered serious injuries from the boat accident and Jeffrey Sieben settled her case for $130,000.

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Car Accidents on Minnesota Highways Cause Serious Injury

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Neck and Back Injuries

Our client was involved in a motor vehicle accident in Hugo, MN.  He was stopped in traffic waiting to make a left turn into a pizza restaurant parking lot when he was rear-ended. Even though he was wearing his seat belt, the force of the impact was so hard that it broke his seat belt and he was thrown into the rear seat of his vehicle.

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Arizona Vacation Ended By Tragedy

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury

Our client vacationing in Sun City, AZ. She was a passenger in a golf cart driven by her friend. For some unknown reason, the driver of the golf cart swerved and caused our client to fall out of the golf cart. She was knocked unconscious in the road and was taken by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

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A Lesson In Uninsured Coverage For Automobiles

Litigation Type - Car Accidents

Client Injury - Permanent Injuries

Our client's vehicle was slammed into by a criminal who had stolen another vehicle and was involved in a high speed chase with police. Our client was t-boned in a Minneapolis intersection and his car was spun around several times. He had to be extricated from the vehicle by emergency personnel. He was transported to HCMC by ambulance from the scene. Our client received significant injuries as a result of this crash.

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Baby Stroller Hit By Car and Thrown Across Street

Litigation Type - Pedestrian Accidents

Client Injury - Skull Fractures

Our client was jogging and pushing her 11 month old daughter in a stroller in a roundabout near downtown Lakeville, MN. As they were crossing one traffic lane, a negligent driver hit the stroller and ripped it from the mother’s hands. The stroller was thrown 30-40 feet down the road bouncing end over end and landed on its wheels. Amazingly the baby remained strapped inside the stroller but received two skull fractures and a concussion. She was rushed to Children’s Hospital and treated there.

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Fall on Wet Tiles Result in Permanent Injuries

Litigation Type - Slip, Trip and Fall

Client Injury - Leg Injuries

Our client was attending races at a local racetrack and left his clubhouse seat to use the restroom. He uses an electric scooter and once inside the restroom, parked the scooter near the handicapped stall, got off and slipped on liquid on the floor. He landed on the tile floor. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital and spent 6 weeks in a rehab center.

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Motorcyclist Avoiding Turning Tractor Takes The Ditch

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury

Our client was driving his motorcycle down a country road following a tractor pulling a hay wagon. The tractor, which was half on the right shoulder to allow vehicles to pass, made a left turn into his driveway as our client was alongside the tractor to pass. Our client veered away from the tractor and avoided a collision but crashed into the ditch and received a severe closed head injury. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

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Motorcycle Accident Victim Becomes Advocate

Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents

Client Injury - Neck and Back Injuries

Our client was on his way to work on morning in July, 2018. As he entered an intersection, suddenly and without warning, a vehicle turned in front of him, causing our client to be thrown off his motorcycle and onto the hood of the car that struck him. He then flew over the roof of that car and landed on the trunk then to the ground.

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Case Studies

Ethan's Story – "Heavyweight in your corner"

I was on my way to the union hall for class when the unexpected happened. An uninsured individual changed my life in a way I would never wish on anyone.

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Brandon's Story - "A personal relationship"

As a union advocate, it's important to me that the attorney I refer one of my members to is someone I can trust. Jeff Sieben is a great example of a business relationship that has become a trusted friendship.

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Sheryl's Story – "Best surgeon, best Lawyer"

Two years following my accident I underwent the first of many surgeries and have been unable to work since that time. An inattentive driver.

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